Team Credits
Creative Director | Art Lead | Producer: Amanda Tasse; Development Director | Design Lead: Matt Kane; Co-Design Lead: Will Hellwarth; Co-Producers: Tanya Huang, Brooke Hubert; Engineering Lead: Bryan Devore; Co-Art Lead: Kate Wong; Sound Lead: Laura Cechanowicz; Composer: Ollie Lewin; Designers: Zach Suite, Brendan LoBuglio; Engineers: Brandon Nahigian, Sourav Dev, Yuling Lan, Nick Covey, Jon Chu, Steven Li; Sound Designers: Roy Salguero, Sabrielle Augustin, Ethan Lee, Stephanie Chan; Artists: Sam Robinson, Maureen Lu, Miranda Crowell, Ashley Lewis, Scott Zentano, Gilberto Arreola, Diego Albarracin, Josephine Burke
Unity built fully 3D Game for PC Download (Mac & Windows), playable with an XBOX controller or keyboard; Optimized for Windows with XBOX controller
Game play-through averages 20 minutes.